Golf is a sport that has spread all over the world and is played by many diverse people in a wide variety of environments. There are courses on tropical islands, mountain ranges, deserts, forests, and even in the heart of major cities.
One in particular stands out for its unique setting and style of management. A place where many visit but no sane person wishes to go.
A place known as Angola and the Alcatraz of the South.
Louisiana State Penitentiary.
The Prison View Golf Course
Designed by Dr. John Ory, the Prison View opened in 2004 and has entertained many visitors but not long-term guests, inmates are not allowed to play on the course. They do maintain the course on the former bull pasture where the tee markers are in the shape of handcuffs and guard towers are in plain view.
It is a smaller course with nine holes and a maximum yardage of 3,086. The course is a healthy challenge with several water hazards and 18 levels of tees. What makes this course so appealing though is the Ten dollar tee charge.
Being a prison, there are many more rules at this course. Even Augusta may seem light compared to Prison View. Background checks are mandatory. You can’t be on the visiting list for any inmate. No alcohol or any other contraband. Players may be searched at any time and their game can be canceled without notice.
Better not break any rules and it is unlikely they will let you retrieve your ball should it land in the neighbors house.
In all seriousness, they really should let the inmates play every now and then, the well-behaved, nonviolent offenders at the very least. Golf is a sport that requires a lot of discipline and could be a excellent mechanism for reform and reintegration.
Louisiana State Penitentiary
Angola, LA 70712
United States