Bandon Dunes is a huge golf resort with multiple golf opportunities for players to enjoy. Alongside Pacific Dunes and the flagship course, Bandon Dunes, there is the third course at the resort: Bandon Trails, the only inland course at the resort. It was daunting task to follow in the footsteps of the first two courses, but architects Ben Crenshaw and Bill Coore persevered and created the Bandon Trails Golf Course.
The Trail name is very appropriate for this course, as the course is ideally suited for walking between the tees and soaking in the lovely, coastal imagery. The forest, the dunes, and the meadows, create a wonderful atmosphere to enjoy.
Even though the course does not touch the ocean, the prevailing ocean wind is always a factor upon the course. On the first hole you may not even need a driver in order to get good yardage on your shot. Of course, due to the sheer amount of trees to be a had at Bandon Trails, the course is a good shelter for when the coastal winds are at their worst. Coore and Crenshaw knew what they were doing when they put the course together. The greens and fairways blend seamlessly together and overall the course espouses a minimalist design.
Along with minimalism, naturalism is also an important part at Bandon Trails. The bunkers are designed to look like a natural part of the land just as the architects intended. This mindset is reflected in the hazards and overall course design. The course appears as though it was grown out of the forest. Walking this course is truly a joy to be had.
Bandon Trails tends to fall into the shadows of its more famous neighbors but if anything, that makes Bandon Trails a hidden gem among the golf courses of Oregon.