Following in the proud tradition of Scottish Links pedigree, The North Berwick Golf Club had its beginnings in the 17th century and golf has been played those same greens ever since. Don’t let that think this is one of those snooty, gentleman’s club/golf course with stuck-up members, visitors are more than welcome to the relaxed and friendly club house as well as the relaxed and friendly town of North Berwick.
The West Links Course was originally six holes when it was designed by an architect whose name has faded to history. Over the years the course was gradually expanded to the eighteen hole, par 71 course it is today. But the original six holes remain in play and maintain deep roots the links courses played at St. Andrews, the home of golf.
The Open Championship is played over at the Muirfield course, but North Berwick has often hosted a Final Qualifying round of the open. Suffice it to say…dreams have been made and shattered on the green grass of North Berwick links.
The thirteenth hole, the Pit, may be short but the green is sunken behind a wall, requiring a little more strategy than the average par four.
The fourteenth hole, Perfection, definitely needs more strategy as according to legend, a player needs two perfect shoots to make the green.
The fifteenth, Redan, is steep on its green with a hidden gully on the right. This is a tough par three that has been copied many times.
When it was stated that visitors were welcome at North Berwick, that also includes younger players of the game. North Berwick is unique in how it offers a nine-hole children’s course and an under-fourteen championships has been offered for over a hundred years. The Cree Medal is a highly coveted award for the next generation of golfers.
So come on down. The Links await.
New Club House
Beach Road,
North Berwick,
East Lothian, EH39 4BB